Dialogues.one X The Dialogue Lab

2020 - present
Worldwide in 70+ countries 
Concept | Production | Facilitation | Community Nurturing | Data Analysis

*in collaboration with newkinco

System Dialogue


Dialogues.one is the world’s largest dialogue platform, with 700+ active practitioners ranging from artists and philosophers to activists and thinkers, also encompassing a wide range of practitioners. It is nurtured with annual summits and ongoing collaborations, keeping its community informed and engaged.

For the first platforms’ summit, entitled “Revealing the Non-Obvious”, we produced a fully online event that connected 400 people in multiple dialogue rounds.

After unfolding the seed question “What are the hidden variables we need to explore to enable a post-2030 scenario where humanity and nature thrive?” through the lenses of 12 different verticals — Future of Work, Survival Strategies, Invitation to Truth, Inside Out, Imagining Decolonial Futures, Unpacking the Cistem, Towards Planetary Governance, After Babel, Navigating Complexity, (Re)learning to Learn, 5D Arts, and Data and AI —, we conducted a data analysis to extract future lines of research from all the conversations and share it with the whole community.

The Challenge

During the uncertain times of the pandemic, many of us were experiencing the universal feelings of isolation and loneliness that marked the periods of quarantine. 

In addition to this, economic hardship did not help many to concentrate on the daily and creative tasks that had previously been part of their day-to-day lives.

In this complex situation, we asked ourselves: How to activate a community of knowledge exchange that could be yielded in future actions? How to (re)activate the people who were part of that community and create synergies between them? How to transform these moments of distress into a safe space to generate positive perspectives for the common future?

An online community connected to draft future scenarios

The dialogues.one community encompasses people located in 73 countries. This implies varied access to technology, which could sometimes represent a blocker. As the summit could only take place online and to avoid issues around accessibility and connectivity, we decided to use available and robust technologies that could facilitate participation. 

In addition, we aimed to practise an activation format that simplified adding new dimensions to what we were thinking about, keeping away from mechanical and unproductive debates between people seeking to defend their views. Hence, we created our own methodology, The Dialogues Method, drawing inspiration from a lineage of great thinkers including David Bohm, Martin Buber, Patrick de Maré, William Isaacs, Danah Zohar, Peter Senge, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Kazuma Matoba, and Orland Bishop.

Once we had set the dates, we followed the following action plan:

  • Craft a brand identity that embodied the event's spirit, connecting deeply with our community.

  • Choose community ambassadors to represent the event's values and vision.

  • Develop 'The Dialogue Handbook' to guide our community on event expectations and dynamics.

  • Ensure facilitators were well-versed in methodology and technology for seamless onboarding.

  • Carefully match dialogue topics, facilitators, and participants for diverse and inclusive perspectives.

  • Implement an efficient and automated communication system for effortless updates to 400 participants.

  • Successfully orchestrated a two-day online event that inspired our community.

  • Analysed post-event data, uncovering community interests and shaping future strategies.

The results: an empowered community to delve together into future collaborations

Besides being able to create safe spaces to help participants reconnect with the community and themselves, 60 different dialogues were made available to the public and broken down in a complete report to help nourish their future reflections, projects and research, which evolved in multiple ways.

If you are curious about the dialogues and what happened during the event, we are sure you enjoy browsing the full collection of the dialogues.one YouTube.

Partners on this project