Mindworks x Greenpeace

remote-first in Taipei (Taiwan), Amsterdam (NL), Frankfurt (DE), Brighton (UK)

1:1 remote sessions | Team Facilitation

Inner Dialogue

Team Dialogue


Mindworks faced the task of ensuring a harmonious and efficient remote working environment for their diverse team spanning Asia and Europe. The challenge encompassed clarifying team roles, swiftly resolving any workflow impediments, identifying necessary agreements for smoother operations, and enhancing the overall vitality and productivity of the team as a cohesive unit.

To tackle these challenges, we engaged in a comprehensive four-step process, which encompassed remote team building, individual coaching, workshop facilitation and dialogue, and, finally, actionable insights. As a result, the team could be strengthened and refreshed, so much so, that it became an independent NGO by itself, Mindworks Lab.

Credit: © Petr Zewlakk Vrabec / Greenpeace

Credit: © Mindworks

The Challenge: to empower a committed team

Mindworks is a social-change agency that uses insights from cognitive and social sciences to deliver fast, tailor-made and impactful solutions for changemakers working on crises. Incubated within Greenpeace East Asia, at the moment of our collaboration their team was spread through Taipei, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, and Brighton. 

As they lacked clear channels of communication and workflows specially designed for remote work, it was challenging for the team to achieve their mission goals without being distracted with operative tasks. During COVID-19, they decided to regenerate their internal structure, aiming to remove blockers with a new organisational design for remote collaborations that made their operations seamless.

To support them in this mission, we put into practice a 4-step-process that would empower every individual and propel interconnection. It consisted on:

  1. Individual Coaching: Through one-on-one interviews, we provided individual coaching to team members, addressing their concerns and facilitating personal growth.

  2. Remote Team Building: We implemented team-building strategies tailored to the unique demands of a remote working environment, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose

  3. Workshop Facilitation and Dialogue: We conducted workshops and facilitated a dialogue process that encouraged open and constructive communication among team members.

  4. Recommendations with Actionable Insights: At the project's conclusion, we delivered a set of recommendations that offered actionable insights, enabling the team to align their efforts more effectively and to create a roadmap for their future.

After the team was (re)connected and the workflows and tools for remote work were all set, the Mindworks’ team was ready to take a leap. In 2021, after a full year of analysis and learning, they published The Disrupted Mind series, which redirected their efforts towards helping campaign teams and changemakers not only to navigate crises but also utilise them to rapidly create mindset changes to create deeper political and societal change. 

As demand was growing, they witnessed the potential of their work beyond Greenpeace, and in 2022 they decided to create an independent NGO: Mindworks Lab, based in Hong Kong, to be able to support more organisations and changemakers, especially in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

The Result: An in-synch team to take their social-change mission further

Credit: © Mindworks

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