
The Dialogue Lab _ murmurations diagram

The Dialogue Lab is a laboratory for human emergence, co-creating methods of engagement for a participatory culture.

We run customised programs for leaders, teams and organisations in the private and public sectors, exploring emergent strategies based on deep listening and radical collaboration.

The Dialogue Lab _ community + collective intelligence + data analysis

We focus on generating impact in key areas of our collective future, such as education, environment, public participation, and artistic creation.

We combine academic research with empiric experiments and entrepreneurial spirit, to strengthen human competency and collective intelligence, from the inside out.

A Selection of Our Work

Promoting public participation through annual events, decentralised meetings and workshops.

A 4-step process to empower every individual and propel interconnection between team members.

A 5-day prototyping course for young adults at the Youth Initiative Program.

A 2-day summit for activists, thinkers, and policymakers to shape new narratives against polarisation.

Our clients and partners

We work with creatives, leading organizations and purpose-oriented businesses to advance and drive change.

The Dialogue Lab _ Youth Space logo

Latest News and Articles

The world of quantum physics, with its mind-bending phenomena and principles, often seems distant from our daily lives. Yet, visionary physicist David Bohm made a remarkable connection between the behavior of electrons and the concept of individual human freedom.

The White Room Podcast: on dialogue, arts and theater

Navigating the Chaordic Path: Embracing Generative Emergence

The Dynamics of the Communication Spectrum: From Data to Wisdom

see more news

Some reviews from our partners

“I was really open to trying a new way of working, and it was fascinating to try something new. It was good to be challenged to listen lots, and use my ears rather than my eyes. The dialogue session was great.” 

Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Musician - Project in partnership with Alchemic Sonic Environment

“We were coming to the topics inductively, bottom up. Developing ideas together and really exchanging own insights and building up on them.”

Solidialogues participant,
an event by Goethe-Institut and
The Dialogue Lab format

“The team added great value with their resilience, acute ability to read the room and the easiness with which they invite people to dialogue. Amazing to have had you on board in our Impact Hub adventures!”

Luisa Rodrigues, Head of Programs - Impact Hub Lisbon

Let’s start with a

The Dialogue Lab _ murmurations gif

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